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Dreamers Drop New Single ‘Adoration’

Dreamers Drop New Single ‘Adoration’

Following the release of their new live single “Make A Move”, the group releases their new song “Adoration” (DREAM Worship). 

The song is available on all digital retail and streaming service providers.  The song was co-written by Danielle Ng, Jedd See and Lara Fowles and produced by Lawrence Davies and Mark Griffiths.

Dreamers Drop New Single ‘Adoration’

“Adoration, a song of exaltation, was written out of a desire to learn how to delight in God’s presence and become more like Him. It’s a declaration of commitment to God that extends beyond a moment in worship, but rather, for all our lives. We were compelled to create a song that would facilitate worship that is pleasing and pure to God, bringing Him the worship He deserves, not for what He can do but for who He is as our King. We pray as people sing the simple prayer of “help me to seek You”, with the Holy Spirit as their guide, they will find a deeper sense of delight and awe in God’s presence.” – Dreamers

Both, “Adoration” and “Make A Move” are a part of an upcoming multi-single release titled The Reason which is set to release on November 1st.

Based on the sunny South coast of Australia, Dreamers is the soundtrack of the youth movement at Futures Church – a ministry with a rich history of empowering and releasing worship bands across the world over the past 100 years. Dreamers’ heartbeat is to see the next generation chase their own God dreams – whatever they may be. 

DREAM provides artists with a genuine approach to how real artist development should be done. By allowing for a partnership as a business model, DREAM artists empower themselves to develop and carry out a real vision for their lives as they affect other people’s lives with their music and message.


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