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Franklin Graham’s God Loves You Tour Has Crowds of 8,000

Franklin Graham’s God Loves You Tour Has Crowds of 8,000

Over 8,000 attendees from across the United Kingdom converged in Birmingham to listen to Franklin Graham deliver a sermon on Saturday evening.

This marked Franklin Graham’s inaugural visit to the Midlands, coinciding with the 40th anniversary of his father, the globally acclaimed evangelist Billy Graham, spreading the Gospel at the nearby Villa Park.

“Jesus Christ is not dead. He’s alive and He’s here tonight,” said Graham to cheers and applause inside the Birmingham Resorts World Arena.

Graham is back in the U.K. to continue his God Loves You Tour, with another night coming up in Glasgow on June 22.

His thoughts turning momentarily to his father, who preached many times in the U.K., Graham said, “I miss him and every time I come to this country I think of him because he loved this nation, he loved the people of this country.”

Birmingham was one of the eight cities that Graham had originally planned to visit in 2020, but it was postponed due to legal action against seven venues that canceled their legally binding contracts. The tour was eventually able to go ahead after the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association took successful legal action against the venues.

Graham preached from Luke 19, which tells the story of the salvation of Zacchaeus, a wealthy chief tax collector who put his faith in Christ and vowed to pay back fourfold anyone he had robbed.

Read the complete story on ChristianPost.com.


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