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Sam Bowman Drops New Song with DREAM Records

Sam Bowman Drops New Song with DREAM Records

Today, DREAM Label Group is proud to announce the signing of producer and singer-songwriter Sam Bowman to it’s DREAM Records roster of artists.

The Texas native also releases his debut with DREAM titled “Your Eyes.”  A fun, uplifting pop track sure to inspire during the summertime season and beyond.  The song was self-produced and written by Sam Bowman.  Sam shares the heart behind the song.

“‘Your Eyes’ is based on the first twelve verses of Psalm 139. God sees us and knows us. Whether we’re on the seven seas, or lost in the thick of night, nothing we think or feel escapes His notice- and that’s an encouraging thing for those that love Him!”– Sam Bowman

Sam Bowman Drops New Song with DREAM Records

Sam Bowman is a producer, singer, and songwriter that lives in the frozen tundra of Dallas, Texas. He has a deep passion for writing, creating, and pushing tiny buttons that make noises- the latter of which he discovered making beats on an iPad at age thirteen. Most of all, Sam loves using music to tell stories. 

He believes music was created by God to tell the Grand Story of the human experience- the apex of which is experiencing Christ’s love for His people, and love for Christ Himself. However Sam attempts to touch listeners’ hearts, or blow their minds, or even make their heads nod in an approving “vibey” sort of way, he’s a storyteller at heart that wants his listeners to see Jesus exalted.


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