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Shaun P’ Drops ‘Live at the Jesus Dome’

Shaun P’ Drops ‘Live at the Jesus Dome’

Shaun P releases his debut album on Dream titled “Live at the Jesus Dome.”  

 This live worship experience was recorded in July of 2024 at the Jesus Dome in Durban, South Africa.  The album is a mixture of cover and original songs.  The album is available on all digital retail and streaming service providers.  In addition to the release of the album, the live experience can be seen on Shaun’s YouTube channel here.

Track listing:

I Thank God
Glorious Day
Channel of Blessing
A Million Words
Goodness of God
Jireh & Way Maker Medley
I Speak Jesus
Hymn Medley

An itinerate music minister, entrepreneur, producer and music consultant. Shares his wealth of experience and knowledge at conferences/workshops, where he aids the development of worship teams and potential leaders. ShaunP composes, arranges and producers artists and church albums.

Between the years 2012 – 2018 ShaunP attended 3C ministries in Johannesburg South Africa under the leadership of Pastor Bert and Charne’ Pretorius where he was the full time Music Director and also had co-produced their 3 award winning albums.

Shaun P’ Drops ‘Live at the Jesus Dome’

ShaunP served at the Durban Christian Centre Jesus Dome with lead Pastor’s John and Joy Torrens. A multicultural and multisite church in Durban South Africa. In 2021, Shaun and his family relocated to the USA. Currently the music director at Mighty Fortress International in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota. Shaun also teaches music at a elementary school in Brooklyn Park.

DREAM provides artists with a genuine approach to how real artist development should be done. By allowing for a partnership as a business model, DREAM artists empower themselves to develop and carry out a real vision for their lives as they affect other people’s lives with their music and message. 


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