Matthew 6:25, 33
25 Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?
33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
There may be no better time to put these scriptures into action. Today the United States is experiencing a governmental shut down. There are several people impacted by this budgetary decision. This decision does not just affect those who work for the government, or members of Congress, the Senate, or even the House of Representatives. No, this decision touches those who receive governmental assistance, or depend on the government for information. Civilians are in a state of distress as well as those who work for the government. I am sure someone you know personally is being directly affected by this shut down.
But in this trying time, Jesus speaks to us as He spoke years ago and tells us not to be anxious about what we will eat, drink, or be clothed with. Jesus reminds us that God, the Father, provides for the fowls of the air, and that He will much more take care of us. We are told to allow God control over our lives, every aspect of it. We are to place our very life in His capable hands and trust Him to take excellent care of us. This may be hard for some of us to accept, because we are so used to depending on our own abilities, talents, and gifts to make a living and provide for our families. To relinquish this to someone else seems hard if not impossible, but for the believer we are to trust Him enough, that we are able to surrender everything to Him. We abandon our own abilities, talents, and gifts to Him.
We are admonished to seek a “condition acceptable to God” (Blue Letter Bible). What does this mean? This means we are to search out ways to please God, to abide in Him, and how to do things His way. We are to seek God during these times and all times. When we are focused solely on God and what He wants for us, we find that all of our natural needs are supplied. He promises to provide for us in Philippians 4:19. God will do as He has promised. We only have to trust Him. Taking no thought simply means trusting God enough to know that He will ensure we are well taken care of in all areas of our lives.
I have heard many quote the scripture in Isaiah 9:6 as an explanation or encouragement of this situation. “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” (KJV)
Jesus is the “child born” and He is the “son given”. The “government” can be translated as rule, dominion, or government. So, with this knowledge, we can rest assured that Christ has held this position as head for over 2,000 years. He has “shouldered” the government and He has ruled and had dominion over all things during all of this. He is not taken by surprise. He will not allow our ultimate demise. Psalm 37:24 “Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the LORD upholdeth him with his hand,” reminds us that God will support us during our fallen times with His strength. He won’t allow us to be hurled or cast down. Let us find ourselves leaning on God’s unchanging hand while seeking His direction for our lives.
I pray that you will take no thought during this time and any other difficult times in your lives. Taking no thought as to what you will eat, drink, or be clothed with, because God is your provider. I hope you find yourself taking no thought for the course of your life, because you have yielded your life to Christ. I wish you take no thought for tomorrow, because you have entrusted your future into the care of the LORD.
Take No Thought!