The trials that Aaron Shust and his wife dealt with during his 2-year-old son Nicky’s illness really had an impact on Aaron’s songwriting for the new project.
Nicky was diagnosed with Eosinophilic Esophagitis, a rare and extremely painful condition, and he was unable to take in any nutrition. Doctors tried multiple food formulas but his body rejected all of them. He had to spend months in the hospital. Finally, when the last available option was tried, his body accepted it. But he still had to be fed through a tube that bypassed his stomach. Doctors further explained that Nicky would have to be on steroids for the rest of his life to manage the pain, so the Shust’s began researching the negative side effects of each steroid. That’s when Nicky’s doctor contacted them with stunning news: their son’s tests had come back normal. It was as if he’d never even had the condition. What was considered to be a permanent disease seemed to have disappeared. The doctor could offer no explanation as to why. But the Shust’s were confident they’d just received a miracle.
It’s a powerful story and a powerful CD, with the first single already #11 at AC Indicator and #21 AC Monitor. But I’d rather you hear Nicky’s story from Aaron himself. Watch Video below.