[Antonio and Dawn Armstrong seen with son AJ Armstrong (16). AJ is accused of murdering his parents while they slept.]
Dr. Earnest Pugh has been tapped to render musical selections that will help comfort the family during the ceremony.
The funeral will take place at the Windsor Village UMC Church at 6011 W. Orem Drive in Houston Texas at 11am on Saturday, August 6th.

[Earnest Pugh will perform his hit songs “Rain on Us” and “I Need Your Glory” at the request of funeral organizers]
Antonio and Dawn Armstrong, both 42, were seen by many as pillars in their community. Antonio was a former star football player at Texas A&M and played briefly in the NFL. He spent the bulk of his professional career as an entrepreneur, operating a local chain of fitness centers. Antonio was also the assistant Pastor of a Gulfton-area congregation where his mother presides. Armstrong also started putting up motivational messages on YouTube just weeks before his unfortunate passing.
The couple had three children Joshua Keith Armstrong (20), Antonio, Jr.(16), and Kayra Mona Armstrong (12) who reportedly slept through the shooting.
Police quickly set their sites on the Armstrong’s 16 year old son Antonio (AJ) Armstrong. It was AJ Armstrong who made the call to police at 1:41 a.m. and reported a masked intruder and gun shots. Police found the couple in their bed upstairs, both shot in the head and with pillows over their faces.

[Antonio and Dawn Armstrong pass at 42 years of age]
Police arrested the 16-year-old when he was “not able to give a convincing story of any kind,” Brewer said. Police found a .22-caliber pistol and a note on the kitchen counter, but no evidence of a robbery or burglary or any sign of forced entry, he said.
At the hearing in juvenile court, Magistrate Judge Aneeta Jamal found probable cause to keep the teen in custody.
“You are accused of a very serious offense,” she told the teen, at the start of the brief hearing. The teen, who wore a faded green jumpsuit, said little during the proceeding.
Antonio Armstrong died shortly after arriving at Memorial Hermann hospital, and Dawn Armstrong was pronounced dead at the scene.

[Screenshot of local news KHOU’s coverage of the memorial outside of the Armstrong’s fitness center.]
The Houston court system will soon determine if young AJ Armstrong will stand trial as an adult or a juvenile.
As this heinous crime plays its way out in the justice system, it’s often the clergy and singers like Earnest Pugh who take the opportunity to instill God’s love in the hearts of mourners. Pugh is widely known for his #1 hits “Rain On Us” and “I Need Your Glory”.
The Stellar Award winner is Founder and CEO of Veterans Emergency Relief (VET). Pugh resides in Houston, Texas and attends Lakewood Church under the leadership of Pastor Joel S. Osteen.
Let’s keep Pugh and the Armstrong family in prayer during this difficult time.
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