Have you ever wanted to perform on Sunday Best without auditioning and competing in person? Now is your chance, as Sunday Best announced this week an online video contest.
The winner will get to perform on the actual show during the season finale. Read BET’s video submission details below and click here to enter.
Submit a video of yourself singing one of the songs on the list below. The submission may not include music of any kind or any other person(s) in the video other than yourself.
The deadline to submit is Friday, June 19 at 3 p.m. ET.
The top ten finalists will be chosen to compete online, but only one will win and perform live on the Sunday Best finale!
Songs to choose from:
1. Every Time I Feel The Spirit
2. Hold to God’s Unchanging Hand
3. Mary Don’t You Weep
4. Never Alone
5. Oh How I Love Jesus
6. Power in the Blood
7. Precious Lord
8. Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us
9. Since Jesus Came Into My Heart
10. When We All Get to Heaven
11. You Must Be Born Again
12. I Surrender All