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Thank you for your interest in Path MEGAzine.com. We would appreciate the opportunity to promote your ministry and/or business nationally and internationally. Feel free to contact our office at 713-487-6191 or fill out the form below.
About PATH: In today’s society you have to reach the consumer on the internet. Website Ads and E-Blast promotions are the most powerful way to leave an impression on the people who matter to you the most. For most PATH clients their out to reach the consumers, viewers, or potential advertisers. When it comes to branding, marketing and direct response advertising, E-Blasts are a quick instantaneous way to reach thousands of people in just minutes. We offer both website and E-Blast promotions to our clients. PATH is an industry recognized leader in the field of online advertising. Nominated for a Crystal Mic Award in 2010 for E-Blaster of the Year, and again for Print Media of the Year in 2011 by the Gospel Announcers Guild. The Path MEGAzine is a leader in the Gospel, African American, and Faith-Based Communities. With well over 109,000 email subscribers, our E-Blasts are one of the most effective ways around to publicize your ministry, event, CD, book, product, or service. Path E-Blasts help with brand awareness, promotion, attendance, and sales. The Path MEGAzine is an online Gospel magazine that’s been covering news in the Gospel community for over seven years. Over this time span, our video platform has become the premiere place to view Gospel interviews and inspirational entertainment. Ads target consumers, radio programmers, urban radio stations, promoters, producers, publications, sponsors, websites, churches, and Major players in the Gospel music industry.
Process & Procedures: Call us at 713-487-6191 or fill out the form above to let us know about your intent to buy. We will follow up with a quote after we learn about your needs and budget. We will then email you a PayPal request for payment or you may pay over the phone. You can also mail your payment. (Check or money order). We do not begin promotions without payment. We also will not begin promotions until the check has cleared. ONCE YOUR ADVERTISEMENT IS PAID FOR: 1.) Email content to: pathmagazinegospel@gmail.com 2.) Include in the subject line: PATH Order – (Your name & Telephone number) 3.) Include the dates you want your Ads/E-Blasts to begin running.
Terms & Disclaimers: Allow up to 2-3 Days to send your E-Blast promo if you have designed it. Allow up to 7 Days to send your E-Blast promo if we design it We reserve the right to reject designs of poor graphic quality. Proof read your artwork. We do our best to catch everything. But we are not responsible for spelling mistakes once graphic has been approved. Spam comes and goes. We cannot prevent email services from occasionally flagging your email as Spam. This occurrence is usually minimum when it does occur. The appearance of your E-Blast will vary in different email applications. What looks one way in AOL may display differently in Yahoo. You are only allowed to promote one event and/or company in an E-Blast promotion. You may not promote E-Blast services in an advertising campaign. Once clients click your ad to go on to your website you may promote your E-Blast services on your website. Delivery Dates and run dates cannot be given until the artwork design has been completed. Design changes will result in additional fees. There are no refunds.
File Formats & Special Instructions: Video formats must be in either .MOV, .FLV, H.264, Mpeg 4 formats. Audio files must be in Mp3 or .Wav Format Audio in E-Mail may not play in all email providers. Flash Banner Formats must be in .FLV format No Audio can play at the start of banner. Click to play Audio OK E-Blasts and graphic banners must be in PNG, JPEG, or Gif formats Pre-Designed E-Blast HTML Okay if you’re hosting the images. If we design HTML design we will host images.
We try extra hard to go the extra mile for our clients. If you need campaign advice or advice on industry best practices please call us. If you have any questions or concerns let us know. We look forward to working with you.
CONTACT: Path MEGAzine Phone: 713-487-6191 |