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Elvis Presley’s Personal Bible Hits Auction Block

Elvis Presley’s Personal Bible Hits Auction Block

The personal Bible of the legendary rock and roll icon is set to hit the auction block starting this Saturday, but interested fans should be prepared to dig deep into their wallets.

This Bible rested on Elvis Presley’s nightstand on the fateful night of his passing, adorned with his embossed name on the cover and marked verses. GWS Auctions will commence the bidding on May 25th, with an initial bid of $30,000 and minimum bid increments of $2,500. Alongside, it includes a letter from his cousin, Patsy Presley, and is the World Edition.

“Shortly after Elvis’ passing my uncle Vernon (Elvis’ dad) and I went up into Elvis’ bedroom at Graceland to organize and pack many of his personal belongings,” the letter reads. “This Holy Bible was one of three that Elvis had on his night table. After packing them Uncle Vernon had me take them home for safe keeping and eventually gave them to me.”

The front cover includes “Elvis Aaron Presley” embossed in gold, and the inner content contains a “large amount of book marked pages and underlined passages that seemingly spoke to Elvis,” according to GWS Auctions.

Among the verses highlighted by Elvis is Job 31:24-26: If I have made gold my hope, or have said to the fine gold, Thou art my confidence; If I rejoiced because my wealth was great, and because mine hand has gotten much; If I beheld the sun when it shined, or the moon walking in brightness.”

Elvis highlighted Genesis 1:31: “And God saw every thing that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.”

He also highlighted Isaiah 29:19: “The meek also shall increase their joy in the Lord, and the poor among men shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel.”

Elvis’ Christian faith played a key role in his life and was a focus of the 2022 film Elvis, which depicts him late in life demanding that TV executives allow him to sing gospel music during a special. He won a Grammy for a live performance of How Great Thou Art.

“It is well known that Elvis was an avid reader and a deeply spiritual man,” GWS Auctions said. “Of all of Elvis’ Bibles sold over the years, this particular book has a truly touching story and fantastic provenance.

Read the full story on ChristianHeadlines.com


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