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EDITORIAL: “Everything In Time” Walk into Your Season!
Ecclesiastes 3 tells us that there is a time for everything. However, it seems we have been stuck in one time, “a time to die”. We have experienced death on so many levels that metaphorically speaking, when I look out, all I see is brown grass, dirt, and weeds. People are dying, dreams are dying, hopes are diminished, and futures are desolate. Much of the country is in a drought naturally, and it seems spiritually many are experiencing a drought as well. Read the full post »
This post was written by Paula Bibbs-Samuels | September 5, 2014
DEVOTIONAL: Where Will He Reside? Get Your House in Order
As I sit here in front of my computer, a thought came to me: I don’t think many of us, me included, really understand the sacrifice that Christ had to endure for our lives. I say this because if we did, we would not, could not, do some of the things we do. These questions enter my mind, “how much will you pay for your life? How badly do you want to live? What is your life worth to you?” Knowing that some people feel worthless and may not value their lives as high as Christ does, I thought about my mom, and how much would I have given to have her here with me again. Then, I thought about, if given the opportunity, would I have exchanged my life for hers. I would. Read the full post »
This post was written by Paula Bibbs-Samuels | December 4, 2013
The Truth About Surrendering
Most times when we think of surrendering, it is viewed as a bad thing, a bitter taste in your mouth. However, when we consider surrendering in the eyes of God, our view should be changed. Read the full post »
This post was written by Paula Bibbs-Samuels | October 30, 2013