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Danny Gokey Celebrates No. 1 Single and CD “Hope In Front of Me” At Post-Dove Awards Bash
BMG Recording Artist Danny Gokey celebrated his chart-topping hit “Hope In Front of Me” at a surprise No. 1 bash following the Dove Awards. Gathering with family, friends and his team of industry leaders, Gokey was feted with speeches by BMG executives, industry VIPs and radio. Read the full post »
This post was written by Kris Patrick | October 13, 2014
After #1 Album Debut Danny Gokey Rises To #1 Again With Debut Single “Hope In Front of Me”
Continuing to blaze a trail following his No. 1 album debut, BMG Recording Artist Danny Gokey is back on top this week with his single “Hope In Front of Me” taking the No. 1 spot on the National Christian Audience radio chart reaching nearly 9.8 million listeners. Read the full post »
This post was written by Kris Patrick | August 19, 2014