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AI Study Revealed Insights Among Pastors and Christians

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AI Study Revealed Insights Among Pastors and Christians

New data from Barna Group, conducted in partnership with Gloo, the leading technology platform dedicated to connecting the faith ecosystem and releasing its collective might, uncovered key sentiment differences between pastors and the U.S. adult population about the topic of artificial intelligence, and more notably between pastors and Christians. The research focused on characterizations of AI, views of future use, and whether or not God can use AI.

“This research really highlighted the differences in perceptions about AI from the pulpit to the pews,” said David Kinnaman, CEO of Barna Group. “Even so, while pastors have a consistently cautious view of AI, they do see the benefits and use cases for good with 63 percent of pastors who believe that AI could ‘improve efficiency and effectiveness in workplaces,’ and 76 percent who believe that AI can ‘empower individuals with disabilities in being able to perform tasks.’ All of this really does reinforce the strong belief of pastors that God can work through AI.”


Sentiments of AI (when asked, “In my opinion, AI is…”)

  • Christians are more likely (23%) than pastors (9%) to call AI “encouraging.”
  • Approximately one-third of pastors (34%) find AI “constructive” with 23 percent of Christians in agreement.
  • Christians place a higher trust in AI with 12 percent calling it “trustworthy” compared to only 2 percent of pastors.
  • Approximately one-third of pastors view AI as “scary” (34%) and “biased” (32%).
  • Christians share similar views, with 34 percent who call it “scary,” but only 11 percent of Christians who call it “biased.”
  • A majority of pastors (72%) believe that AI is “concerning,” compared to 40 percent of Christians.

On God’s work through AI

  • A majority of pastors (77%) answered “yes” when asked if God can work through AI.
  • One-quarter of Christians (25%) agreed that God can work through AI.

On the use and regulation of AI

  • While there was general agreement on the use of AI to empower individuals with disabilities to perform tasks, pastors were decidedly more optimistic (76%) than their U.S. adult counterparts (37%).
  • Amongst U.S. Adults, Gen Z is twice as likely (41%) than boomers (20%) to believe that AI can enhance education.
  • A majority of pastors (63%) believe that AI can increase people’s feelings of loneliness with only 11 percent holding that it can contribute to building meaningful human relationships.
  • By contrast, only 30 percent of U.S. adults believe AI will increase people’s feelings of loneliness, with 13 percent who believe AI will be able to positively contribute to meaningful human relationships.
  • An even split is seen across faith demographics, from Christians (50%) to atheists/agnostics (50%) and those of no faith (55%) that “AI should be more strictly regulated to prevent misuse.”

“There’s no doubt that views on AI will continue to be mixed inside and out of the Church — it’s the reason why we’re doing this ongoing study to better understand people’s views of the technology,” said Steele Billings, head of AI at Gloo. “In the midst of rapid development of AI tools that only increase human and AI interactions, it’s important to help ministry leaders understand the trends and drive conversations on responsible use of AI. We have a moral imperative to responsibly use tools like AI and other technologies to advance human flourishing and better enable, never replace, human relationships.”

In addition to ongoing research Gloo is doing with Barna on AI, Gloo launched the AI & the Church Initiative to help ministry leaders responsibly navigate and engage the evolving landscape of AI.  Each month Gloo and Barna will share fresh research on faith and AI and will publish a compendium of the data at a future date.


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