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Anti-Abortion Presidential Ads Set to Air on NBC’s ‘The Today Show’ in NYC

Anti-Abortion Presidential Ads Set to Air on NBC’s ‘The Today Show’ in NYC

Terrisa Bukovinac for President Campaign announced it will begin airing explicit anti-abortion ads in the New York City market-the largest media market in the world, reaching more than 7 million people. Bukovinac is on the ballot in New Jersey for the Democratic Primary as President Joe Biden’s only challenger.

The 30-second TV ads show in gruesome detail the gut-wrenching remains of five babies killed by later abortion, featuring footage captured by Bukovinac when she recovered the remains last year outside an all-term abortion business in Washington DC. This effort is part of the campaign’s strategy to engage voters on the atrocity of later abortion during the 2024 presidential election by embracing the power of visual storytelling to expose the brutality of abortion. The ad condemns the Biden administration and the Democratic party’s extreme, out-of-touch abortion platform, which stands at odds with 30% of Democrats.

Although this strategy has generated controversy, the Bukovinac Campaign remains steadfast in exposing the violence of abortion.

Bukovinac stated that her aim with this advertisement is to “disrupt the consciences of the American people, particularly leftists who are complicit in abortion by supporting pro-abortion candidates.”

Bukovinac also states: “pretending like millions of pro-life Democrats like myself don’t exist isn’t a winning strategy. The right to life must be protected at every age, everywhere, and that is why I am on the ballot as a presidential candidate—to be a voice for the innocent and oppressed and rekindle the debate inside the Democratic Party.”

FCC regulations stipulate that news stations “have no power of censorship over the material” in campaign ads. The campaign aims to communicate the gravity and urgency of the abortion issue to American voters through impactful visuals. As the 2023 presidential race intensifies, the Bukovinac Campaign remains dedicated to educating voters about the violence associated with abortion.

Terrisa Bukovinac is a leading secular progressive pro-life activist running for President of the United States. She previously served as the President of Democrats for Life of America, and is the Founder of the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU). Bukovinac’s bid for the Democratic nomination amplifies the voices of the 1 in 4 Democrats who support common sense abortion limits.


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