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Fathom Events to Release ‘Disciples in the Moonlight’ Starting July 24

Fathom Events to Release ‘Disciples in the Moonlight’ Starting July 24

Pinnacle Peak Pictures and Fathom present the new inspirational action-adventure film, DISCIPLES IN THE MOONLIGHT, opening in theaters for a minimum five-day run in more than 1,000 theaters beginning July 24.

Director and star Brett Varvel stated, “Ten years ago, Josh Strychalski shared a captivating story idea with me. That story became my heart and passion. DISCIPLES IN THE MOONLIGHT is my love letter to the church of Jesus Christ. I believe this movie could be the start of a movement in our culture—to awaken people to treasure the Word of God and boldly proclaim the name of Jesus no matter the cost. The time has now come to share this powerful story delivered by the most incredible cast and crew. DISCIPLES IN THE MOONLIGHT is sure to thrill, excite, challenge, and inspire for the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.”

DISCIPLES IN THE MOONLIGHT takes place in the not-too-distant future after the government has banned the Bible for its “offensiveness” and replaced it with a government-approved version. A small group of Christians are recruited to smuggle God’s Word to underground churches throughout the Midwest. With a ruthless federal agent in hot pursuit, the believers must choose between following the law or honoring and trusting God.

Dave Mechem, Head of Acquisitions for Pinnacle Peak Pictures, said, “I’ve watched Brett Varvel star in many inspirational films and now his team brings their own redemptive project to the big screen. DISCIPLES IN THE MOONLIGHT is an edge-of-your-seat thriller that asks the question, ‘What would you give your life for?’”

“We’re very excited to bring this film to theaters for an extended run,” said Ray Nutt, CEO of Fathom. “It’s the perfect blend of faith, suspense, and inspiration that will guarantee a great theater experience for a broad range of audiences.”

Pre-release buzz on the film is building. Last week, the film screened at the International Christian Film and Music Festival in Orlando, Florida. On May 9, Indianapolis—Varvel’s hometown and where the film was shot—hosted the hometown red-carpet premiere of DISCIPLES IN THE MOONLIGHT where the 48th Vice President of the United States, Mike Pence was in attendance. Commenting on the film, Pence stated, “DISCIPLES IN THE MOONLIGHT  is an action-packed thriller set in a future of Christian persecution in America. At a time of more and more assaults on religious liberty, this compelling motion picture should serve as a cautionary tale and inspire people of faith to do even more to protect religious freedom in America.”

This week, international audiences will get their first peak of the film when it screens at the Cannes International Film Festival. 


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