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Dr. Earl Bynum Sets Up for Season 2 of “On Stage with Earl Bynum” and Co-Host at Eastern Regional Summit

Dr. Earl Bynum Sets Up for Season 2 of “On Stage with Earl Bynum” and Co-Host at Eastern Regional Summit

If you have seen BET’s Bobby Jones Gospel, you won’t want to miss “On Stage with Earl Bynum” LIVE.  

Multi-Award winning gospel artist, Syndicated Radio Host and new Chairman of the Alliance of Gospel Music Professionals Dr. Earl Bynum, is gearing up for the new season taping of his “On Stage with Earl Bynum” TV Show.  

Mark your calendars for Friday, June 21st at 7 PM and be part of the electrifying studio audience for the second season taping of “On Stage with Earl Bynum Live @ The Mount.” Additionally earlier during the day, Bynum will co-host along with Terrance Howell The National Association of Gospel Radio (NAGR) Eastern Regional Summit at The Signet Center in Chesapeake, VA.  

Bynum is inviting all to spend the day in Chesapeake as both events promise an unforgettable evening along with stellar performances and inspirational music. 

On Stage with Earl Bynum TV lineup will feature an array of talent, including: – The Stellar Award-winning Mount Unity Choir, Patrick Riddick and D’Vyne Worship, with Riddick known for his work as the choir director for the Netflix series “Voices of Fire” and his title as the Prince of Choirs, Brian Hill and The Provenance Singers, Anthony Hall, Capria McClearn, and Cachèt from RMC Music 

Additionally, there will be a special appearance by Hampton Roads legendary Earl Bynum & As We Are. Attendance is free, but seating is limited. 


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