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Pastor Tolan Morgan Collaborates with Pastors John P. Kee & Tim Rogers

New Gospel Artist Pastor Tolan Morgan Debuts Uplifting Anthem “One More Day” Featuring Powerhouse Vocals of Pastors John P. Kee and Tim Rogers
Pastor Tolan Morgan Collaborates with Pastors John P. Kee & Tim Rogers

 Prepare to raise your hands and stomp your feet! Rising gospel star Pastor Tolan Morgan is thrilled to announce the release of his debut single, “One More Day,” featuring the legendary voices of Pastors John P. Kee and Tim Rogers.

“One More Day” is a joyous celebration of faith, filled with infectious energy that will have you shouting “Amen!” from the first listen. This hand-clapping, foot-stomping anthem is a powerful reminder of God’s grace and the promise of a brand new day.

Pastor Morgan shares, “One More Day’ is a song of hope and encouragement. It’s a message we all need to hear, especially during challenging times. With the incredible support of Pastors Kee and Rogers, this song is a testament to the unifying power of gospel music.”

The addition of gospel titans John P. Kee and Tim Rogers elevates “One More Day” to a whole new level. Their iconic voices and years of experience add depth and power to the already inspiring track.

“One More Day” is available for download and streaming on all major platforms.


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