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Roxanne Grace, GLADDEN, and AWZY Unveil Their New Song

Roxanne Grace, GLADDEN, and AWZY Unveil Their New Song

Today, Roxanne Grace, GLADDEN, AWZY release “Thinking” available today via DREAM Records. 

This easy to sing-along upbeat song is a summertime pop song & was written to bring encouragement, hope & joy to the listener as a celebration of God’s favor.  The song was written by Dameon Aranda (Switch), GLADDEN and Austin Moore.

Roxanne Grace, GLADDEN, and AWZY Unveil Their New Song

“‘Thinking’ is a fun summer bop that we all need. It has a powerful but simple message. The message is to NOT get overwhelmed by everything going on around us, but rather let’s keep our mind on Jesus and things above. Life is so much easier and a lot more fun when we allow His peace, His love and His truth to be our guide. And I got to work with two of my favorite artists, GLADDEN & AWZY.” – Roxanne Grace

Roxanne Grace, GLADDEN, and AWZY Unveil Their New Song

“Our new song “Thinking” is about keeping our mind fixated on the Lord. We regain hope. Our priorities are straightened and everything is made clear when we focus on God above all things.” – AWZY

Roxanne Grace, GLADDEN, and AWZY Unveil Their New Song

“Roxanne reached out to me about writing and recording some verses on a song that God had laid on her heart. The theme was the center on how our thoughts change for the better once we surrender our lives to God. The negativity and sin in the world tend to pull us down unless we purposely keep our minds focused on the goodness of God. I’m extremely honored to be featured with Roxanne Grace and AWZY.” – GLADDEN

“Thinking” was produced by Austin Moore in Phoenix, Arizona.  It is available everywhere music is sold and streamed digitally.


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