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Total Access Into The Life, The Music, and The Journey of The Father of Modern Gospel, Andraé Crouch
Anyone asked to describe the inspiring legacy of Andraé Crouch would have trouble finding the appropriate words. After introducing his musical talent to the world over five decades ago, many have come to praise Crouch as a Gospel icon. Known for penning some of the African American church’s most endearing and time-tested songs, Crouch is truly a legend in his own time. Read the full post »
This post was written by admin | March 21, 2013
Kris Patrick – Publisher
A native of Houston, Texas Producer, Publisher, and Editor Kris Patrick has always been inspired by entrepreneurship. Patrick ran a district corporate office while taking college courses at twenty years of age. Knowing this wasn’t God’s intended path for his life he focused harder on college. Kris would then walk in the Path of his life’s goal, transferring to film school in Orlando, Florida. He completed his degree at Full Sail College, with a degree in Film & Video Production. After a brief internship with Fox Sports, he quickly used his business experience to start his own production company in Orlando, Florida. Thus, Parallel Path Entertainment was born in 2004. The company relocated to Houston, TX in 2007.
As a driven producer, Kris Patrick comes up with many of his own story ideas, which he later edits. Under Kris’ parent company he also publishes the Path MEGAzine, (An online Gospel publication) and The Gospel View web show.
With media works that span across multiple formats, Kris Patrick uses the avenue of film & video to suggest change in a fun and interactive fashion. Changing the scope of positive media motivates Patrick, and he’s doing just that as the founder of Parallel Path Entertainment LLC.
This post was written by admin | December 8, 2012