Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate is flanked by two volunteers dressed in skeleton costumes in front of billboard and with banner that says “Only 2 genders, no bones about it.”
Shots were fired near Public Advocate’s CEO and staff during a live stream video announcement of a billboard campaign opposing transgender surgery on children and promoting the reality of just two genders.
The large billboard on Route 522 South, 3 miles south of Interstate 81, east side of the road, has the words painted on it: “Scientific Fact,” with two pelvis skeletons pictured, “male 90 degrees, female, 120 degrees.” The sign portrays the structural difference between a male and female pelvis.
Eugene Delgaudio president of Public Advocate said today: “During a live video stream of Public Advocate’s announcement of a billboard campaign to promote two genders, four or five shots were fired, seemingly directed at us and four other volunteers holding banners next to the billboard Public Advocate paid for near Winchester, Virginia.“
“Three Frederick County Sheriff’s Deputy cars responded and I have filed a report about the shots being fired. There were no injuries. I did not think there was a threat but it seemed to strangely coincide with our event”
“My reaction to the gunshots being fired during our news conference. Shooting seemed to be in reaction to being at the ‘2 Gender’s Billboard’ and our defense of Chole Cole and her request that we do not affirm transgender demands, that we stand firmly for 2 genders. I was clearly discussing this, with a bull horn, during the shots being fired and our cameras recorded this in our social media broadcast.
“I felt determined not to allow several shots being fired near our billboard to slow me down or stop our event. Following our event, police responded and I made a report of this incident. I am grateful for law enforcement’s quick response.
“This video and billboard campaign is a tribute to the victims of transgender violence, a shout out to the victims of terrible transgender surgery like Chloe Cole and support for Riley Gaines in her fight to end bullying and violence in women’s sports by transgenders,” concluded Delgaudio.