Veteran gospel artist Bishop Bryan Andrew Wilson kicks off the 1st annual 2013 Holy Convocation of The Bapolstogic Movement Sunday, April 28th through Saturday, May 4th at the Radical Nation Temple of Deliverance church in Perry, FL.
With the theme of “A Sanctified People Being Empowered Through Pentecost” the week-long event opens with a 7 p.m. opening ceremony and praise party on Sunday evening.
There are 9:00 AM and 12 PM daily sessions and then 7 PM evening glory services. The keynote evening speakers include: Pastor Duranice Pace of The Anointed Pace Sisters on Monday, Dr. Joyce Cohen on Tuesday, Bishop Corey Neal on Wednesday, Bishop Buffie McIver on Thursday and Apostle Lionel Childress on Friday. Bishop Wilson speaks at 10 AM on Saturday morning. The gathering concludes with a rousing, down-home concert on Saturday, May 4th @ 7 PM.
The gathering is free of charge and takes place at The Radical Nation Temple of Deliverance located at 1262 West Hampton Springs Road (Hwy 98) in Perry, FL. For more information, contact (202) 649-0814.
The Bapolstogic Movement is a 501C3 organization that Wilson launched to merge the music, traditions and doctrine of the Apostolic, Baptist and Church of God in Christ (COGIC) denominations he was raised in and present it to a new generation of young believers. Wilson has a degree in religion and philosophy from Claflin University and pursued a master’s of divinity degree at Princeton Theological Seminary where he studied under noted professors such as Dr. Colonel West.
The public first became acquainted with Wilson when – at the age of 11 – he recorded “His Eye is on the Sparrow” with the Mississippi Children’s Choir for Malaco Records. His soulful, melismatic rendition of the song pushed the “A New Creation” CD to sell over 100,000 copies.
The song inspired kid singers all over the country and still garners big You Tube views – over two million since the live concert video was placed online. Over the years, Wilson has recorded four solo CDs and is currently finishing up a new contemporary gospel CD and a Spiritual Soul CD.
For more information on Bryan Wilson, logon at or follow him on Facebook at: bryanwilsonsinger or Twitter: IAmBryanWilson.