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Blog Archives
Beyonce’s Dad MATHEW KNOWLES Says He’s Running for Mayor!
Music mogul Mathew Knowles told Houston’s 97.9 that he’s considering running for mayor. After discussing a playful theory on what caused the rift between Knowles and daughter Beyonce, the interview turned serious as Mathew outlined his motive for running for one of Houston’s top offices. Read the full post »
This post was written by Kris Patrick | September 12, 2014
The Merge Summit Concludes with Best Year Yet, Merging Faith and Entertainment
Hollywood, CA — PATH was there for the 5th Annual Merge Summit in Los Angeles, CA. The annual event blends faith and entertainment, by bringing together top Hollywood actors and executives, and merging them with the faith-based industry. Read the full post »
This post was written by Kris Patrick | August 27, 2013
GMC (Gospel Music Channel) Name Change Official, New Name is UP (Uplifting Entertainment)
At the stroke of midnight as the calendar turns to June 1, GMC TV will begin writing the latest chapter in its evolution as America’s leading television destination for uplifting entertainment when the network changes its name to UP. Read the full post »
This post was written by Kris Patrick | June 4, 2013