April is National Child Abuse Awareness Month. Evangelist Julia E. Whitley, author of the book A Girl Named Sue With A Secret, brings awareness to the injustices and cruelties being committed against our children daily with her outreach ministry.
All too often when our children are assaulted and seek help, they are denied help, over-looked, disbelieved, or just ignored making the child feel helpless, unwanted, unsafe and not cared for by those who are suppose to be caring for and protecting the child. And in most cases, the abuse is being committed by people the child knows.
The A Girl Named Sue With A Secret Organization, The House of David, a non profit organization, Shape Community Center and friends of author Evangelist Julie E. Whitley and A Girl Named Sue With a Secret have all joined forces to bring this parade to the heart of Houston, Texas. April 26, 2014.
The Parade will begin at Shape Community Center 3815 Live Oak at 9:00 AM and end at Shape Community Center 3903 Almeda St. Houston, Texas 77004.
Upon arrival at the Almeda Center, There will be speakers on the issues of child abuse awareness and other topics geared toward educating our community on the dangers of child Abuse, sexual, physical and mental. There will also be sponsored events, child Abuse Awareness speakers, local politicians, testimonials and Evangelist Julia E. Whitley will speak about her book. There will be live music, food, tented vendors, free giveaways and a silent auction.
A Girl Named Sue With A Secret is a book geared to helping our community and dedicated to helping to redefine the understanding the long range fallout of child abuse by establishing a more aware adult and child through our programs. We are on the track to educating parents and care givers securing community awareness as a proven solution for redirection of our youth’s energy, attentions, strengths and weaknesses and helping youth to get involved in their own safety and protection not be afraid to TELL SOMEONE (Say it loud) thereby making the abuse known and not the exception for our children.
For more info: www.agirlnamedsue.com (832) 279-1220 suewithasecret@ymail.com
P.O. Box 8186 Houston Texas 77288
Read More About the Book A Girl Named Sue With A Secret by clicking here