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The Truth About Surrendering
Most times when we think of surrendering, it is viewed as a bad thing, a bitter taste in your mouth. However, when we consider surrendering in the eyes of God, our view should be changed. Read the full post »
This post was written by Paula Bibbs-Samuels | October 30, 2013
Ministry Etiquette 101 By: Lynette Harrison
“Let It Go” God spoke to me asking me why was I upset and trying to get in touch with people who have long since been removed from my life? He said, to stop trying to give them access, they are not in your life because they have no place. There is no place for them where you are nor where you’re going.
He further stated, that everyone presently in my life is supposed to be there…they have a purpose for being there and that he has not allowed some past friends to be in my life because simply they aren’t connected to my destiny and to let it go. Read the full post »
This post was written by Lynette Harrison | December 8, 2012
Lest We Forget By: Paula Bibbs
Though I was not in New York, Washington, or anywhere near the places attacked on September 11, I felt the pain of the impact on America.
Disaster was recorded on news channels and radio stations around the world, and on the internet. Fear pierced the hearts of many and concern over the lack of protection grew to paramount proportions.
The United States was forced to call upon God, whom they had left for knowledge, technology, wealth, fame, and notoriety. In this time of utter disaster, the people turned to the only refuge they knew could withstand war, death, disaster, and calamity. America turned to the only One who could deliver them from the hands of their enemy, God. Prayers went up around the world. At this time, school officials initiated prayer. It didn’t matter who started it, America was in crisis. Let everybody pray. Read the full post »
This post was written by Paula Bibbs-Samuels | September 12, 2012
What Can You Do? By: Calvin Walker
First, I think it is important that we understand why the enemy wants us to be anxious. Anxiety, as stated before, has the tendency to drain us. When we have become drained by worry, we are out of position to reap the harvest. Galatians 6:9 instructs us with these words, “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up” (ESV). In order for us to obtain the fullness of the harvest, we must learn to endure. A vital part of endurance is faith. The only way that we can press on is through our belief. When anxiety and worry is prevalent in our lives, we should really check our faith. We must remember that God is our source.
This post was written by Calvin Walker | May 25, 2012
Taking His Name By: Calvin Walker
Exodus 20:7 says, “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.” I was always taught that this meant that we should not curse using the name of the Lord. Also, I was taught that we should not just use His name without a reason. Both of these are true but as I began to understand the premise of covenant, I received more enlightenment on this command. I will not take you through the fullness of my study. However, I will let you in on one of the most important and beautiful parts of covenant. Once a covenant is made, all parties that are involved have access to everything associated with anyone that is involved in the covenant. Simply put, once we entered into covenant with God, we now have access to all that He is and all that He has. We can’t stop there. We must remember that He now is entitled to access to all that you are and all that you have. The greatest thing that we receive as His bride is His name. Read the full post »
This post was written by Calvin Walker | April 26, 2012
You’re Going to Win! By: Calvin Walker
This post was written by Calvin Walker | April 11, 2012
No Looking Back By Paula Bibbs
Paul wrote in Philippians 3:13 & 14 “13Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, 14I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”
Although Paul had not made it to full maturity in Christ, he was determined not to be bound by his past. Paul “pressed”, pushed forward, strained to obtain, he consciously made an effort to reach the prize of Christ. We should do the same. I don’t discount my past, and neither should you, but we should not be trapped in our past. Read the full post »
This post was written by Paula Bibbs-Samuels | February 8, 2012
Embracing Your Future by Paula Bibbs
Think about when you are trying to hug, to embrace someone. If you have something in your hand, you must either release it or you have to give a “half hug”. That’s how it is with life. If you continue to hold on to the things of your past, you won’t fully enjoy the joys and promises that await you in your future. Read the full post »
This post was written by Paula Bibbs-Samuels | August 29, 2011
My Letter to Fear A Blog By: Franyora Clophus
First, let me start off by thanking you for always popping up during the times in my life when I was standing within the threshold of greatness. Your presence served as confirmation that I needed to keep moving forward. Also, thank you for all the negative comments you whispered into my mind, if it weren’t for them, I would not have realized how mentally strong and resilient I am. You are such a liar – you told me I couldn’t when I really could. You told me I wasn’t good enough when I was just right, and you even told me that it wouldn’t work when all I had to do was put forth the effort to work it! Yes, some of your words may literally have caused me physical pain in the depths of my abdomen, and even caused me to cry at times, but thank God that even though you gave me pause, you could never completely stop me. Read the full post »
This post was written by admin | June 20, 2011