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Anthony Brown’s Grateful Mom Accepts One of His Dove Awards, As Group TherAPy Takes Home Two
New Gospel Artist Shavonne Na’tey Shares Her Story Of Healing Through New Single “So Amazing,” And Upcoming Docu-Series “Our Journey Alive”
As artists, singers pour their experiences into their music. Gospel singer Shavonne Na’tey is no different. Her brand new single, “So Amazing”, released by Lottie St. Entertainment, was inspired by a hurtful church experience. Continue reading
Husband and Wife Partners Micah and Heidi Stampley Talk About their Creative Writing Process
One Year After the Death of Dr. Myles Munroe, Destiny Image Publishers Remembers His Legacy
Chilling Apocalyptic Gospel Video Makes Bold Debut
Let Our Confessions Match Our Actions
Wake Up and Agree!
I know there is a lot of spiritual unrest. There are people who are disgruntled with the state of the world, especially the United States. Christians are angry and possessing righteous indignation. Others are afraid and fearful of what is to happen next. From the natural, things look dire and there seems to be no end to the sufferings, the deaths, or the injustice. Continue reading
Where Does Your Trust Lie? – by Paula Bibbs
23 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.
24Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.
As I thought on this scripture, I realized it is not the fact that you and I can speak to the mountain that it is removed, nor is it in our own power that the mountain will be removed. The Lord spoke to me and informed me that the reason the mountain is removed is because of my faith in the power and knowledge of who God is. Meaning, because I believe God can do all things, because I believe that God is all-powerful (omnipotent), because I believe there is nothing too hard for God, and because I believe that God is a god of truth, when I speak to the mountain and tell it to move, God is faithful to His word, so the mountain must obey. It’s not my word the mountain obeys, but God’s power! Continue reading
EDITORIAL: “Leaving the Chain Behind”
Last night as I lay in bed with my husband, there was a “scene” that began to play in my mind. This is nothing unusual because I experience this often. This scene involved my husband causing me emotional, mental, and physical pain, and the end of the scene involved a rape. Again, nothing unusual for me. However, at the part where my husband was raping me, I realized this is not something I wanted to continue doing. So, I prayed, “Lord, rewrite the script”. Immediately upon saying those words, I heard myself praying, “Lord, remove the imprint from my brain”. This is when I realized that my past experiences were continuing to live within my brain, my memory. I continued to play the events of my life over and over again, nightly. Continue reading